Protect the Pap

Partnership with @protect_the_pap to raise awareness about the importance of routine Pap smear tests

🐾 Good Morning! Most of you guys know by now that there are two main passions in my life: traveling 🧳 and nursing ‍⚕️.
That’s why I love partnering with brands and organizations that promote awareness about important issues in the medical field such as cervical cancer.
Did you know that before the introduction of the Pap test, cervical cancer was the #1 cancer killer of women? But right now, and after so many women testing for it, it’s #15!
A Pap test involves collecting cells from your cervix and detecting cervical cancer early, which can give women a much greater chance to treat it. Women should start screening at 21 years old and, if the results are normal, the test only needs to be repeated every 3 years. I’ve done it several times and it is a super easy procedure.
Pap tests should be available for every women in this country regardless of their income and they should be part of their healthcare routine, because an early detection of cervical cancer can save lives.



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