Latino Victory US

Latino Victory US builds Latino political power by electing Latino candidates to all levels of government. I was glad to partner with them for their #VoteLikeaMadre campaign about climate change.

It is co-founded by @evalongoria & @henryrmunozlll.

“Today I’m promising to #VoteLikeAMadre. How concerned are you about climate change? Those of you who followed my stories last month were able to see that the west coast of the US was completely on fire.  I lived a few miles away from several fires and the truth is that there was a lot of uncertainty and fear during that time. A lot of fear. The damages of global warming are today clearer than ever.  Although fires always occur in this part of the world during the dry season (especially in California), never, in the 12 years that I have been here, had I experienced anything like it.  We were surrounded by them for days, thinking about what would happen and where we were going to go if it happened.  We couldn’t even go outside because of the quality of the air (or smoke?) was unhealthy and dangerous to breath. Our forests and animals were burning.  All those mountains that you all know I love to explore were on fire. Have you ever thought about the world that you are leaving your children?  Just the idea of what the earth will be like when my 3-year-old daughter turns 20 terrifies me.  That is why I have made a pinky promise to her that I will #VoteLikeAMadre for whoever helps us change the course of this climate change and I will do my best to make this world a little better for her. I already voted this year and made sure that climate change was included in the campaign of the candidate I have chosen. What are your thoughts about the direction our planet is taking? Are you concerned about the future generations?”

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